Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 05 - A thank you letter to someone who has changed your life

Dear Jason Beer,

when you walked into that class room to be our long term sub, I thought to myself 'great, another sub fresh outta school...'

You told us that first day that you were going to do things a little differently. You told us that you knew that as students we have lives and that English shouldn't be the main focus in our life. You told us whenever we wrote a paper, that it should be from the heart, and not some bullshit vomit that is just rewritten to get a good grade. You wanted us to be passionate about everything we did, from our writing in the classroom to our other classes and even to things we did outside of school.

You helped me realize that I love writing and reading. You showed me that teaching could be fun and that the joy you get out of it can be endless.

You were the reason I switched majors and there isn't a day that goes by that I regret it.

Thank you for telling us that we are awesome and that we should never yield to achieve our dreams.

"To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 04 - What you imagine paradise to be like


I've never been there, but in every movie I have seen that has shots of Hawaii, it looks perfect. The water is so blue, there are trees everywhere, and I just feel like the local people would be just the nicest people I will ever meet.

I really just want to live on any of the islands till I die.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 03 - The five songs you would have with you on a desert island and why

This is going to be a hard one (that's what she said...) because I love music and I love all different types of music. To say I have to narrow down to five songs to listen to for the rest of eternity is just asking too much.

1. The Beatles - Help. I would sing this every morning, think of it as a way of getting the self pity and feeling sorry for myself feelings out of the way. Besides, The Beatles is my favorite band, and this is one of my favorite songs by them (actually all of the songs are my favorite...)

2. Jay Brannan - Bowlegged and Starving. I love this song, from the piano to his voice, Jay Brannan is amazing. It is the perfect song to fall asleep to, as background noise when I'm building as many sand castles as I can, or just to sing and dance along with.

3. Mylie Cryus - Party in the USA. I have chosen this song for one reason and one reason alone. "So hard with my girls not around me, it's definitely not a Nashville party"

4. Erasure - Always. Dead serious. I love this song way to much for my own good. I love the awesome lyrics, the awesome sound, and the awesome way I feel when I hear it.

5. Dolly Parton - The Grass is Blue. I get a haunting feeling whenever I hear Dolly's voice. She is a goddess and I really truly love her music and what she has accomplished in her life. Plus I can fall asleep to this song and it brings a good sad feeling.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day Two: Something that Inspires You

Something that inspires me is usually going to Chicago. Seriously, I was just there and I am so full of energy that Fort Wayne just doesn't give to me. I love the many different types of people that are there, the vast amount of eating options, the music scene, the shopping scene, the beach, the parks, just everything.

I just love it there.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day One - Guilty Pleasure

I honestly don't think I have a guilty pleasure. Sometimes I enjoy just love laying on the couch and watching "That 70s Show" or even "Degrassi". I know (titles, what happens in each episode, quotes) everything there is to know about "That 70s Show"and sometimes I apply what happens in that show to my life. I know pretty much everything there is to know in "Degrassi".

I just like to wind down every now and then.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

30 Day Challenge

I suck at blogging. I get really good at keeping up, but then something switches and I just throw it to the way-side. However my friend Katie Crabill did this challenge on her blog and I believe that it will help me focus on this and hopefully get back into blogging.

Day 01 - Guilty pleasure

Day 02 - Something that inspires you

Day 03 - The five songs you would have with you on a desert island and why

Day 04 - What you imagine paradise to be like

Day 05 - A thank you letter to someone who has changed your life

Day 06 - Earliest thing you can remember

Day 07 - Favorite cover of your favorite song

Day 08 - Someone you think would make a good president

Day 09 - Five things you want to see change

Day 10 - A dream you had this past week described in detail

Day 11 - Favorite picture ever taken of yourself

Day 12 - Ten things you've never done

Day 13 - A memory that never fails to make you laugh

Day 14 - Best mashup you’ve ever heard

Day 15 - A moment, phrase, or song that has changed your life the most.

Day 16 - Something that you want to do within the next five years.

Day 17 - What you want to remembered for.

Day 18 - A picture that makes you feel

Day 19 - A passage from a book that has touched you

Day 20 - A band that you immediately liked and the song that made you like them

Day 21 - Your favorite medium of art.

Day 22 - Someone you would give your life up for without question.

Day 23 - Most awkward first impression you feel you’ve ever given

Day 24 - Something you did as a child that other people remember you for.

Day 25 - Something you would do if no one stopped you or if you knew you wouldn’t fail.

Day 26 - Your definition of love.

Day 27 - Your definition of the meaning of life.

Day 28 - A moment you remember being completely happy in and a description of why you believe you were. What is your definition of happiness.

Day 29 - What you live for.

Day 30 - Ways you believe you have grown over the past thirty days

I hope after I complete this I will have grown in some way or another. I want to see how I'm different in one months time. Wish me luck!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

First Day of Summer

Welcome back to the living Caecilia

Welcome back to real blog

real words

and real feelings.

I miss blogging and I want to do it more.